SMS Marketing- The Master Tool for Enhancing Brand Connection

SMS Marketing – The Master Tool for Enhancing Brand Connection

We live in a time where mobile phone users wouldn’t even fail to carry their devices to the facilities. Such is the potential of SMS marketing. Bulk SMS providers are just the people you need for such a job.

Make a difference:

The first step to hitting the spot with SMS marketing is to procure some personal information about the customers, beyond their names and phone numbers. Remembering their birthdates or buying preferences is a great starting point. The more personal a message feels the higher the chances of the customer reading the message till the end. An ambiguous or standardised message will be ignored in the blink of an eye. SMS marketing service providers have CRM software that make organising of such information a cake walk.

Differentiation and Frequency:

It is vital to maintain consistency in messaging frequency, however, at the same time it is essential that the messages are differentiated and add value to the time spent by the customer to read it. Having a call to action in the text message is a great way to encourage conversion. Provided, the website that it leads to is mobile friendly and user friendly. Online SMS providers can help to shorten the URLs that lead to your website, making the text compact and pleasant to the eyes.

A good technique of increasing the chances of interaction is by providing spot discounts which can be redeemed by special codes, such actions make the customer feel special. And who doesn’t like to feel special?


The content of the message should be free from jargon or unnecessarily complicated language. There is no need to impress the customer with your writing skills, your offer, initiative and method of contact is far more important to them. Content should also be concise and relevant to the customer’s preferences, which can be learnt from previous transactions and enquiries.

It is advisable to seek professional help to compress large pieces of information into smaller texts for customer convenience. You need to understand that a customer will make a decision within two seconds of opening the text, whether they want to read further or not. And in the next two seconds they will make an intermediate decision about buying outcome, or clicking on the call to action.


It is one of the fundamental rules of business to pay more attention to retaining customers, in contrast to attracting new ones. In this light, SMS marketing is just the tool needed for retention. A relationship is built with the customer and loyalty can be achieved, as long as there is something in it for them.