Give a Boost to Your Marketing with Opt-In Text Messaging

Give a Boost to Your Marketing with Opt-In Text Messaging

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. Many of us reach for our phone the moment we get out of our beds and take a quick look at it before calling the day off.

Mobile phone dependence has become a reality; and as a marketer, you should not overlook the fact that it has opened a door for testing new waters. It has provided alternative mediums like SMS Marketing to reach out to consumers more efficiently.

Why SMS Marketing is Still Relevant?

Contrary to some suggestions, SMS marketing isn’t dead! Far from it. It can yield astounding results when a mobile-optimised message is sent to a customer’s phone. The probability of an SMS being immediately read by the intended recipient is well over 90%; significantly higher than emails or even social media message.

However, everything comes with a catch!

It’s illegal, unethical and very costly to send unsolicited SMS’s. Therefore, you need an opt-in from the consumer to send marketing offers via text message.

How to Build Opt-In Lists?

If you don’t already have a list of your customers’ mobile numbers then you will need to start to build one today.

Before we learn more about the methods to build an opt-in list, it is essential to know that purchasing a list of mobile numbers is illegal under the SPAM Act by the Australian government. Sending a text message without proper permission can lead to serious consequences, including legal actions.

There are two methods to build a robust opt-in list.

1. Have an Opt-In Form on Website or Social Media Channels

You can incorporate opt-in forms or click-to-join widgets on your website or social media channels and ensure they’re clearly visible to the potential consumers.

However, these forms and widgets are only effective if your website generates a significant volume of online traffic. If your business is in an early stage and not attracting a substantial amount of online traffic, then you can also use short codes to build an SMS list.

2. Use Keywords for Effortless Opt-ins?

Provide people with a compelling reason to text a specific ‘keyword’ to your number such as a discount or special offer. They receive an immediate reply SMS with the offer information and confirming they have joined your customer marketing list.

You can include text-to-join keywords in your emails and newsletters. This will enable the recipients to quickly and easily opt-in to your text messaging service. Additionally, you can utilise signage, if you’re a brick and mortar business, to alert interested consumers to text a keyword for opt-in.

Best Practices for Opt-in Text Message Marketing

When you are using opt-in text message marketing, there are certain factors that you need to keep in mind:

  • Mention your company name to identify yourself.
  • Provide a value proposition is the key to get immediate opt-in.
  • Draft a clear and concise message.
  • Use keywords that compliment your brand for a long-lasting impression.
  • Always remember to make opt-out instructions simple and clear.

Do you have any queries about an opt-in text message? Feel Free to Contact SMS Solutions on 1800 823 859.

We have one of the easiest to use and most innovative SMS platforms that enables you to carry out SMS marketing. Call for no obligation quote!