Can Bulk SMS Marketing Impact Your Real Estate Business

Can Bulk SMS Marketing Impact Your Real Estate Business?

The massive bushfires that ravaged the Australian eastern seaboard side and now the scare of CoronaVirus has put the economy on a backfoot. However, many experts are seeing the revival of the real estate market as a silver lining in the cloud. It is projected that the Australian housing market is all set to rebound with a projected growth of 3.50% in 2021.

Since, property market is rapidly forging on the path of progress, the competition will also become more fierce. With numerous players getting into the field, it has become more crucial than ever to embrace new age marketing channels to reach out to a large number of potential buyers to up your game! Earlier, the property managers used to rely on the traditional methods like taking out an advertisement in the local newspaper when a property was available. However, with the technology getting more advanced, conventional marketing channels have become irrelevant.

Bulk SMS – A Modern Solution For Modern Problem

Bulk SMS marketing, contrary to various opinions, is still alive (and kicking)! It is one of the most underrated, but extremely effective to turn the queries into sales. Cold calling is invasive in nature and can actually turn the tide against you. However, with bulk SMS marketing, property managers can take mobile marketing to the next level, making their online presence more prominent.

Here’s why Bulk SMS marketing is the silver bullet for realtors:

1.Surveying and Creating Client Profile

Compared to other means like social media, phone call, email or Whatsapp; SMS offers a convenient way to contact your clients. As opposed to social media or email; SMSes enjoy an excellent open rate and hence the possibilities of seeing the SMS increases manifold. By using a CRM system and AI integrated into their websites, the realtors can collect important information about the prospective clients and the the type of properties they are looking for. Equipped with this data, the property manager can easily create a customer profile for sales and prospecting purposes.

For example, if there’s a deal for studio flats, the agents can use Bulk SMS messages to notify only those buyers with matching criteria to the property. The buyers can respond to the notification if they are interested. When a sufficient number of buyers have shown interest, the realtor can send notifications for a same-day showing or a sale to the interested buyers.

2.Set up and Schedule Campaigns

Using bulk SMS marketing, a realtor can schedule and send multiple campaigns to a particular group of potential buyers, at the same time. There’s no need to set up individual campaigns, which eventually saves numerous valuable man-hours, allowing the realtors to focus on their core competencies. Alternatively, Bulk SMS can also come handy to schedule and fire seasonal or festive campaigns to engage the potential buyers.

3.Effective Rental Management

Real estate agents with numerous rental properties to manage, especially those located in the same suburbs, a bulk SMS management software become paramount! It can be utilised for effective rental management that includes after-sale service and support. Additionally, it can come handy to notify the home dwellers about maintenance operations in the area with a single SMS. Let’s say for example, if there’s a problem with electricity in the area, the agent can notify all the renters by creating just one SMS and send it out to all those might be affected by it.

If you’ve any queries related to bulk SMS software and how it can be used to make your real estate business more flourishing, free feel to contact experts at SMS Solutions.