Get Back to Business Safely Contactless Registration Compliance System

Get Back to Business Safely: Contactless Registration Compliance System

While most of the nations are still reeling under the pandemic and its subsequent economic slowdown, a handful of them have successfully controlled the spread. Apparently, these countries are gradually easing down the lockdown regulations and allowing the businesses to resume their normal operations (with a lot of precautionary measures in place). Apart from the European Union countries, the oceania nations like Australia and New Zealand are restarting their economies as the number of new infections has declined significantly.

Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions!

The year 2020 has proved to be the most disruptive years! With COVID 19 spreading across the globe, implementation of strict lockdowns and social distance norms, it has become essential for businesses to adapt to the fresh challenges.

Whether it’s making the entire team work remotely to bringing the business back on its feet amidst the new way of life – the business operations in the future are going to be a lot different!

With economies awaiting to bounce back and come out of the months long inertia, having an advanced and contactless registration compliance system has become crucial. The whole purpose of having such a new-age customer registration system is to help businesses resume their operation without compromising on the safety.

The benefits of a customer registration system are limitless, especially during these trying times. With most of the businesses finally opening up, there are a few considerations that are yet to be addressed like having a touch-free sign in system. In today’s time when social distancing has become the norm of the day, having a contactless system in place has become imperative.

Here’s how a contact-free registration compliance system can help you reopen your business by mitigating the risks in the post pandemic world.

1. No More Touching the Public Devices

Filling a visitor’s book in the hotels and restaurants or forms at banks and airports can pose a serious cross-contamination risk. At a time businesses are doing everything to contain the outbreak of a pandemic, while running the operations as usual, it’s always best to eliminate the potential risk factors. The visitor can easily send a text message to complete the registration process directly from their mobile phone.With this contactless sign in system, the businesses can largely eliminate the risk of multiple people touching the same device and hence mitigating the chances of uncontrolled transmission.

2. Identify a Potential Exposure to the Infection

When a visitor or customer enters your premise, it’s vital to know and understand about any previous travels and current health status. Registration compliance systems come with a visitor screening questionnaire. Any discrepancies in the answer can trigger an alert which goes to a specified contact, which can help them identify the potential risk. Moreover, the recorded details can be further used by the healthcare authorities to do effective contact tracing.

3. Secure and Safe Data Storage

The classic paper based methods of contact tracing can become a potential point of data leak. It can give an opportunity to the potential data thieves to easily sneak in and get hold of confidential information like name, contact details. The registration compliance systems use a cloud based storage system which keeps the data safe and anonymous which gives better privacy.

If you are looking for an easy-to-configure and user friendly registration system, get in touch with experts from Our advanced system let’s operate your business by mitigating the potential risks of cross-contamination during a pandemic.