sms marketing

SMS Marketing for Energy Providers

-Developing and retaining customer base-

Energy providers in Australia are working in a highly competitive industry. It is very common to find sales experts taking to the streets and approaching each household to get new clients.

However, energy suppliers do not need to stick to just one form of marketing or sales. SMS marketing opens up a whole new avenue for promotion of their services, directly to the mobile phones. With an open rate of over 98%, it is an untapped source of marketing for your company if you haven’t already stepped into it.

Here are a few actions that energy providers may take via SMS Marketing to better inform their customers about new products and services:

● Providers can inform their clientele about the upcoming changes in prices or tariffs for different forms of energy.

● They can easily differentiate their own services from competitors by simple analysis. If the information is in the form of an article, they can send mini URLs via text messages.

● The average adult checks their phone nearly 150 times a day. This gives us a great margin to ensure that our message has been read.

● Providers can communicate with customers in real-time, even keeping them informed any new government regulations.

● The ability to personalise messages can help to target different demographics to ensure that the communication resonates with their needs and situations.

● Gathering feedback about your services is a key aspect of every business. SMS marketing is known to be one of the most, if not the most effective tool to do so. Customers can even reply in single word or alphabet answers to aid the feedback survey.

● SMS marketing gives customers their due share of voice in the process of business development and product development. It is an aspect that your customers will greatly appreciate and reciprocate with remaining customers or switching over to you from different providers.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can assist energy suppliers across Australia, do not hesitate to give us a call or drop us an email.