Trigger Based SMS Marketing to Get your Online Sales Soaring

Trigger Based SMS Marketing to Get your Online Sales Soaring!

With more and more people embracing the social distance norm to slow the spread of COVID-19, the online retail stores across certain industries are experiencing a tremendous surge.

With some of the online shopping sites seeing an all-time high in sales figure, many of them are adopting new ways of marketing to stay ahead amid the growing competition. Apart from the widely used email marketing, many ecommerce retailers are taking the less-travelled route of SMS marketing.

While email marketing has always been the favourite choice among ecommerce marketers for years; SMS marketing is still relevant today and in fact earning more prominence. The reason why SMS marketing is one of the most sought after methods is that it can effectively penetrate through the competition in a non-intrusive manner.

Besides, having outstanding open and read rates, SMSes can be sent to any phone, even the ones which don’t have internet connection. This unique feature makes SMS one of the most powerful marketing tools.

SMS marketing offers a nearly-perfect engagement anytime and anywhere as more and more people are now glued to their mobile phones. Here we shall discuss certain trigger event based SMS marketing strategies that will attract audience attention, drive more traffic and increase the sales.

Similar to the email, you can also set up a triggered SMS message that follows after a customer takes an action for example, signing up to receive notifications or placing an online order.

1. Send Email Accompanied with a Welcome SMS

It is observed that the automated email notifications can drive ROI. Moreover, it also improves the customer experience and enhances brand recognition. Now pairing it up with SMS can exponentially give a thrust to your marketing campaigns. Concise, well drafted SMS can reinforce the benefits of signing up just as an email does. So, it is important to use them smartly and integrate it to boost your marketing success.

2. Send Quick Order Updates

While a majority of people have smartphones, not everyone uses email or other social media like Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. However, everyone with a working mobile can receive an SMS. Therefore, sending an order updated via message cements your position by anchoring your SMS strategy. Always remember the golden rule – An informed customer is a happy customer. Send out SMS notifying the customer about their order including the estimated shipping and delivery time.

3. Automated & Scheduled SMS Messages

Do you know what matters most to your customers? Meet them in the moments and stay in touch with them to add a personal touch to your interaction. You can use bulk automated SMS to send messages right from appointment reminders to birthdays to cart notifications.

If you have any questions about SMS marketing for Ecommerce sites, call our experts today.